When you set out to buy a home, one of the first things you will need to do is secure a real estate agent. These professionals are absolutely essential in the housing market. Working with an agent who suits your needs means you have the best chance of finding the perfect property. However, how do you find “the one?” Here are some things to look for when locating your perfect real estate agent match!

Local knowledge

Many real estate agents cover a wide range of locations, but it’s best to secure an agent who is familiar with the area you are planning to buy in. It’s pretty simple to do a quick Google search to discover agents in your desired city or town, and this is a great place to start narrowing down potential candidates. Your agent should have an in-depth knowledge of where you want to move so they can provide you with the best guidance on the area. They can discuss any questions you may have about schools, transportation, amenities, local housing prices, and anything else you want to know. Having this kind of knowledge helps many buyers make their decisions, so it’s very beneficial to work with an agent who can fill you in.

Experience with your situation

Different home buyers have different needs, and it’s important for a real estate agent to recognize this. Depending on where you are in your homeownership journey, your agent might take a different approach to helping you secure the right property. For example, a first-time home buyer is likely seeking a smaller starter home. A move-up buyer with children may require a larger property with a yard, and a retiree will want to downsize. Whichever group of buyers you fit into, you should ensure your agent has experience with them. These agents will know the best areas to search, and the price ranges you may be looking at. The more practice an agent has helping buyers in your position, the better prepared they will be to assist you!

Good communication

In the real estate and mortgage world, things can move very quickly. A home that goes on the market one day is not guaranteed to still be there the next. Lenders expect proper documentation to be in order, and sellers want to close on their home efficiently. As a buyer, your real estate agent will be a big part of how smoothly your experience in the market will be. With that in mind, it’s important to use an agent who communicates well and is easily accessible. This doesn’t mean they should be glued to their phones 24/7! It just means that when you need their help, they should be ready to assist you on a timeline that matches the pace of the market. Communication and organization skills ensure you don’t miss any deadlines or offers, and that your buying experience is productive.

An understanding of your housing needs

Similar to understanding your position as a buyer, your agent should also comprehend and respect your housing requirements. It’s your job to clearly state what you need in a home, and your agent’s job is to listen. For example, maybe you need easy access to public transportation, you must work within a certain budget, or you need a certain number of bedrooms. Your agent should seek out properties that meet your needs so you don’t waste time looking at homes that do not fit your lifestyle at all. However, be mindful to separate your needs from your wants. It is not always possible to get every single thing you want in a property. If your agent comes to you with a listing that meets your needs but doesn’t satisfy all of your wants, consider giving it a chance anyway. You may be surprised and discover the property is a good fit for you after all.

A sense of comfort

Finally, it’s very important that you feel comfortable with your real estate agent. You are involving them in the biggest purchase of your life, and this involves a large amount of trust. You should feel relaxed when having big conversations and have full confidence in their abilities. If you feel like you cannot confide in your agent, this causes a lack of communication that can hinder your buying experience. Take some time to meet with potential agents before deciding on who you want to work with. Ask lots of questions to determine whether you can picture yourself working with them throughout this important journey.

Finding the right real estate agent is critical to your success in the housing market. It might take a bit of time to secure the best match, but it’s certainly worth the wait. If you aren’t sure where to begin, you can ask your mortgage broker for suggestions! We work with several real estate agents, and we can provide you with recommendations to help you get started.

If you have any questions about your mortgage, get in touch with me!